The Ultimate Guide - tips to keep your kaftan dress ever new!

The Ultimate Guide - tips to keep your kaftan dress ever new!

Kaftan has become a winner in everyone's closet this summer. We have received an overwhelming response on this quirkiest outfit. The chic garment is the number one choice when you wish to stay both comfortable and stylish.

Here's a guide of how you should take care of the cotton rayon kaftan(s) just as the good friends they are!

  1. Washing

    Turn the kaftan inside out and hand wash it in cold water. Wash it in delicate, no-spin mode if using your washing machine.

    P.S. Water may get colored in the first wash. Hence we recommend washing it separately for the first time. The color won't fade. PROMISE!

  2. Drying

    We recommend drying the kaftan in the sun.
    If you can avoid using tumble dry, that's the best ever care you can give to your kaftan.
    I mean imagine what an outfit has to undergo when the tub spins greater than 1500 time per minute!
    The fabric fibers plead mercy!

  3. Ironing

    Iron it inside out, I mean iron on the ulta side of the kaftan.
    Use only low-medium heat. If creating a layer between your kaftan and iron is not a big hassle for you, you are
    doing a supreme thing!
    Do not iron over the print dear!

    PRO TIP : Wrinkles can be common in rayon fabric but not if you iron it when it is slightly damp.

  4. Storing

    Hang your kaftan dress. Always
    No not on metallic hangers, but plastic or wooden ones to avoid any staining. This way you can avoid wrinkling and say bye bye to creases!

    These are all chota-chota things, but they will make a huge difference in keeping your kaftan dress new forever!


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