3 Tips for Your Beauty Fix
Hello there,
Many of you say that Yoga isn't your cup of tea. Let me tell you, YOU ARE WRONG! You are doing Yoga daily. Only that you aren't aware of it. Look at Ashi above and the tips below and then you will know that you are on a journey to glow already!

Tip 1:
Deep breathe anywhere, anytime.
It helps you rest, RELAX!
Remember that sigh you make every now and then. Repeat those!
It helps you rest, RELAX!
Remember that sigh you make every now and then. Repeat those!

Tip 2:
Get some sun daily!
It brightens up mood.
Make sure you get out in the balcony every day. You do that daily, haina?
P.s. I am not taking about the 12 pm sun!

Tip 3:
Try sitting with crossed legs on the ground.
Eyes shut, back straight. Do this in SILENCE and feel the magic.
Feels Deja Vu? Right?